2015-2016 Catalog 
    Jan 25, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Academic Calendar

Fall Semester 2015

New JD student orientation and final registration  
  Part-time students August 19, 21 & 22
  Full-time students August 19-21
New LLM student orientation/registration August 21
First day of classes August 25
Labor Day holiday September 7
Thanksgiving holiday November 26-27
Last day of classes December 3
Examinations begin December 8
Examinations end December 19
Winter Break (University closed) December 24-January 3

Spring Semester 2016

New LLM student orientation/registration January 8
First day of classes January 11
Martin Luther King Jr. holiday January 18
Spring break March 6-13
Last day of classes April 25
Examinations begin May 2
Examinations end May 14
Spring Commencement May 22

Summer Session 2016

Memorial Day Holiday May 30
Classes begin May 31
Independence Day holiday July 4
Classes end July 28
Examinations begin August 1
Examinations end August 5

American University


Cornelius M. Kerwin, BA, MA, PhD, President
Scott A. Bass, BA, MA, PhD, Provost
Teresa Flannery, Vice President of Communication
Gail S. Hanson, BA, MEd, MPhil, PhD, Vice President of Campus Life
Mary E. Kennard, BAS, JD, LLM, Vice President and General Counsel
Douglas Kudravetz, Chief Financial Officer, Vice President and Treasurer
Courtney Surls, Vice President, Development and Alumni Relations
David Swartz, Chief Information Officer
David E. Taylor, Chief of Staff and Secretary, Board of Trustees


Established by Act of Congress of the United States,
February 24, 1893

Board of Trustees
June 2015

Jack C. Cassell,* Chair Cornelius M. Kerwin*
Marc N. Duber, * Vice Chair Margery Kraus*
Gary M. Abramson* Gerald Bruce Lee*
Gina F. Adams* Ross B. Levinsohn*
Stephanie M. Bennett-Smith Charles H. Lydecker*
Kim Cape Betsy A. Mangrove*
Gary D. Cohn* Robyn Rafferty Mathias*
Pamela M. Deese* Marcus Matthews
Larry Engel Alan L. Meltzer*
Hani M. S. Farsi* Arthur J. Rothkopf
Thomas A. Gottschalk Peter L. Scher*
Gisela B. Huberman* Jeffrey A. Sine*
C. Nicholas Keating Jr.* Evangeline C. Unsworth*
  Lacey Wootton

*alumna or alumnus of American University

Washington College of Law


Claudio M. Grossman, BA, JD, Doctor of Science of Law, Dean
Anthony E. Varona, AB, JD, LLM, Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs
Lia Epperson, BA, JD, Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs
David B. Jaffe, BA, JD, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Billie Jo Kaufman, BS, MS, JD, Associate Dean of Library and Information Resources
Robert D. Dinerstein, AB, JD, Associate Dean of Experiential Education and Director of Clinical Programs
Jenny Roberts, BA, JD, Associate Dean of Scholarship
Khalid R. O. Khalid, BA, MA, Associate Dean of Finance and Administration
Rebecca T. Davis, BS, MAT, Assistant Dean of Academic Services and Registrar
D. Akira Shiroma, BA, JD, Assistant Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid
Traci Mundy Jenkins, BA, JD, Assistant Dean for Career and Professional Development
Amanda Frost, BA, JD, Director of the SJD Program
David Hunter, BA, JD, Director of the International Legal Studies Program
Jamin B. Raskin, BA, JD, Director of the Law and Government Program
David E. Aaronson, BA, MA, PhD, Director of the Trial Advocacy Program
Teresa Godwin Phelps, BA, MA, MSL, PhD, Director of the Legal Rhetoric Program
Ann Shalleck, AB, JD, Director of the Women and the Law Program

Full-Time Faculty

David E. Aaronson, BA, MA, PhD, The George Washington University; LLB, Harvard University; LLM, Georgetown University. B. J. Tennery Professor of Law and Director of the Trial Advocacy Program
Evelyn G. Abravanel, AB, JD, Case Western Reserve University. Professor of Law
Padideh Ala’i, BA, University of Oregon; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law
Jonas Anderson, BS, University of Utah; JD, Harvard University. Associate Professor of Law
Kenneth Anderson, BA, University of California-Los Angeles; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law (on leave Spring 2016)
Jonathan B. Baker, AB, JD, Harvard University; MA, PhD, Stanford University. Professor of Law (on leave 2015-2016)
Susan D. Bennett, BA, MA, Yale University; JD, Columbia University. Professor of Law (on leave 2015-2016)
Barlow Burke Jr., AB, Harvard University; LLB, MCP, University of Pennsylvania; LLM, SJD, Yale University. Professor of Law and John S. Myers and Alvina Reckman Myers Scholar (on leave 2015-2016)
Susan D. Carle, AB, Bryn Mawr College; JD, Yale University. Professor of Law
Michael W. Carroll, AB, University of Chicago; JD, Georgetown University. Professor of Law and Director of the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (on leave Fall 2015)
Janie Chuang, BA, Yale University; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law (on leave Spring 2016)
Mary Clark, AB, Bryn Mawr College; JD, Harvard University, LLM, Georgetown University. Professor of Law and Dean of Academic Affairs and Senior Vice Provost
Llezlie Green Coleman, AB, Dartmouth College; JD, Columbia University. Assistant Professor of Law
John B. Corr, BA, MA, John Carroll University; PhD, Kent State University; JD, Georgetown University. Professor of Law
Jennifer Daskal, BA, Brown University; BA, MA, Cambridge University; JD, Harvard University. Assistant Professor of Law
Angela Jordan Davis, BA, Howard University; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law
Robert D. Dinerstein, AB, Cornell University; JD, Yale University. Professor of Law, Associate Dean of Experiential Education, and Director of Clinical Programs
N. Jeremi Duru, BA, Brown University; MPP, JD, Harvard University, Professor of Law
Walter A. Effross, AB, Princeton University; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law and Director of the Program on Counseling Electronic Commerce Entrepreneurs  (on leave Fall 2015)
Lia Epperson, BA, Harvard University; JD, Stanford University. Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs
Christine Haight Farley, BA, State University of New York, Binghamton; JD, State University of New York, Buffalo; LLM, JSD, Columbia University. Professor of Law
Amanda Frost, BA, JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law and Director of the SJD Program
Robert K. Goldman, BA, University of Pennsylvania; JD, University of Virginia. Professor of Law and Louis C. James Scholar
Claudio M. Grossman, Licenciado en Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales, Universidad de Chile, Santiago; Doctor of Science of Law, University of Amsterdam. Dean, Professor of Law, and Raymond I. Geraldson Scholar for International and Humanitarian Law
Lewis A. Grossman, BA, PhD, Yale University; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law (on leave Fall 2015)
Heather L. Hughes, BA, University of Chicago; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law
David Hunter, BA, University of Michigan; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law and Director of the International Legal Studies Program
Peter A. Jaszi, AB, JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Glushko-Samuelson Intellectual Property Clinic
Cynthia E. Jones, BA, University of Delaware; JD, American University. Professor of Law
Billie Jo Kaufman, BS, MS, Indiana University; JD, Nova Southeastern University. Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Library and Information Resources
Benjamin Leff, BA, Oberlin College; AM, University of Chicago; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law
Amanda Cohen Leiter, BS, MS, Stanford University; MS, University of Washington; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law (on leave 2015-2016)
James P. May, BA, Carleton College; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law
Binny Miller, BA, Carleton College; JD, University of Chicago. Professor of Law (on leave 2015-2016)
Elliott S. Milstein, BA, University of Hartford; JD, University of Connecticut; LLM, Yale University. Professor of Law (on leave Fall 2015)
Fernanda Nicola, BA, University of Turin; PhD, Trento University; LLM, Harvard University. Professor of Law
Mark C. Niles, BA, Wesleyan University; JD, Stanford University. Professor of Law
Diane F. Orentlicher, BA, Yale University; JD, Columbia University. Professor of Law
Teresa Godwin Phelps,
BA, MA, PhD, University of Notre Dame; MSL, Yale University. Professor of Law and Director of the Legal Rhetoric Program
Andrew D. Pike, BA, Swarthmore College; JD, University of Pennsylvania. Professor of Law 
Nancy D. Polikoff, BA, University of Pennsylvania; MA, The George Washington University; JD, Georgetown University. Professor of Law
Andrew F. Popper, BA, Baldwin Wallace College; JD, DePaul University; LLM, The George Washington University. Professor of Law
Jamin B. Raskin, BA, JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law and Director of the Law and Government Program
Jayesh Rathod, AB, Harvard University; JD, Columbia University. Professor of Law and Director of the Immigrant Justice Clinic
Ira P. Robbins, AB, University of Pennsylvania; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law and Justice, Director of the JD/MS Dual Degree Program in Law and Justice, and Barnard T. Welsh Scholar
Jenny Roberts, BA, Yale University; JD, New York University. Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Scholarship
Ezra Rosser, BA, Yale University; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law
Herman Schwartz, AB, JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law
Ann Shalleck, AB, Bryn Mawr College; JD, Harvard University. Professor of Law, Director of the Women and the Law Program, and Carrington Shields Scholar
Mary Siegel, AB, Vassar College; JD, Yale University. Professor of Law
Brenda V. Smith, BA, Spelman College; JD, Georgetown University. Professor of Law
David Snyder, BA, Yale University; JD, Tulane University. Professor of Law and Director of the Law and Business Program
Robert L. Tsai, BA, University of California, Los Angeles; JD, Yale University. Professor of Law (on leave Spring 2016)
Anthony E. Varona, AB, JD, Boston College; LLM, Georgetown University. Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs
Stephen I. Vladeck, BA, Amherst College; JD, Yale University. Professor of Law
Perry Wallace Jr., BS, Vanderbilt University; JD, Columbia University. Professor of Law and Director of the JD/MBA Dual Degree Program
Lindsay F. Wiley, AB, JD, Harvard University; MPH, Johns Hopkins University. Associate Professor of Law
Paul R. Williams, AB, University of California-Davis; JD, Stanford University. Professor of International Service and Director of the JD/MBA Dual Degree Program

Law Library Administration

John Q. Heywood, BS, Northern Arizona University; JD, American University. Associate Law Librarian
Billie Jo Kaufman, BS, MS, Indiana University; JD, Nova Southeastern University. Associate Dean of Library and Information Resources
Sima Mirkin, BSc, Byelorussian Polytechnic Institute, Minsk, Belarus; MLS, University of Maryland. Associate Law Librarian
William T. Ryan, BA, Boston University; JD, American University; MLS, University of Maryland. Law Librarian
Amy Taylor, BA, Rhodes College; MSLIS, The Catholic University of America; JD, The University of Alabama. Associate Law Librarian
Ripple L. Weistling, BA, Brandeis University; MA, King’s College, London, England; JD, Georgetown University; MSLS, The Catholic University of America. Assistant Law Librarian
Linda Wen, Asociate Law Librarian


Isaiah Baker, BA, Yale University; MA, DePaul University; MBA, JD, Columbia University; LLM, Harvard University. Associate Professor of Law Emeritus
Daniel Bradlow, BA, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa; JD, Northeastern University; LLM, Georgetown University. Professor of Law Emeritus
Egon Guttman, LLB, LLM, University of London. Professor of Law and Levitt Memorial Trust Scholar Emeritus
Patrick E. Kehoe, BCS, Seattle University; JD, MLLibr, University of Washington. Law Librarian Emeritus
Nicholas N. Kittrie, MA, LLB, University of Kansas; LLM, SJD, Georgetown University. University Professor Emeritus
Candace S. Kovacic-Fleischer, AB, Wellesley College; JD, Northeastern University. Professor of Law Emerita
Robert B. Lubic, AB, JD, University Pittsburgh; MPL, Georgetown University. Professor of Law Emeritus
Gary McCann, BA, California State University; JD, Willamette University; MLS, University of Texas. Law Librarian Emeritus
Margaret Mitchell Milam, BA, MLS, University of Maryland; JD, American University. Law Librarian Emerita
Anthony C. Morella, AB, Boston University; JD, American University. Professor of Law Emeritus
Michael E. Tigar, BA, JD, University of California, Berkeley. Professor of Law Emeritus
Richard J. Wilson, BA, DePauw University; JD, University of Illinois. Professor of Law Emeritus and Director of the International Human Rights Law Clinic
Joanne A. Zich, BA, Washington University; MLS, Columbia University. Librarian Emerita

Special Faculty Appointments

Nancy S. Abramowitz, BS, Cornell University; JD, Georgetown University. Professor of Practice of Law
Elizabeth Beske, BA, Princeton University; JD, Columbia University. Legal Writing Instructor in Residence
Elizabeth Boals, BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; JD, George Mason University. Associate Director of the Trial Advocacy Program
Brandan Butler, BA, University of Georgia; MA, University of Texas; JD, University of Virginia. Practitioner in Residence
Claire Donohue, Practitioner in Residence
Kate Sablosky Elengold, BA, University of Michigan; JD, New York University. Practitioner in Residence
Paul Figley, BA, Franklin and Marshall College; JD, Southern Methodist University. Legal Writing Instructor in Residence
Sean Flynn, BA, Pitzer College; JD, Harvard University. Professorial Lecturer in Residence
Dorcas Gilmore,  Practitioner in Residence
Deena Hurwitz, Professorial Lecturer in Residence
Elizabeth A. Keith, BA, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; JD, George Mason University. Legal Writing Instructor in Residence
Daniela Kraiem, BA, University of California-Santa Barbara; JD, University of California-Davis. Associate Director of the Women and the Law Program
Jeffrey S. Lubbers, AB, Cornell University; JD, University of Chicago. Professor of the Practice of Administrative Law
Claudia Martin, JD, Universidad de Buenos Aires; LLM, American University. Professorial Lecturer in Residence
Juan E. Mendez, LLB, Stella Maris Catholic University, Argentina.
Jennifer Mueller, BA, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; JD, Harvard University. Practitioner in Residence
Amy Myers, Practitioner in Residence
Horacio A. Grigera Naon, JD, LLD, University of Buenos Aires; LLM, SJD, Harvard University. Distinguished Practitioner in Residence
Lauren Onkeles-Klein, Practitioner in Residence
Sunita Patel, JD, American University. Practitioner in Residence
Victoria Phillips, BA, Smith College; JD, American University. Professor of Practice of Law
Heather E. Ridenour, BBA, Texas Women’s University; JD, Texas Wesleyan University. Director of Legal Analysis Program and Legal Writing Instructor in Residence
Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon, JD, Universidad de los Andes; LLM, American University; SJD, The George Washington University. Professorial Lecturer in Residence
Susana SaCouto, BA, Brown University; JD, Northeastern University; MALD, Tufts University. Professorial Lecturer in Residence
Macarena Saez, Licenciada en Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales, University of Chile; LLM, Yale University. Fellow in International Legal Studies and Director, Impact Litigation Program
Anita Sinha, BA, Barnard College; JD, New York University. Practitioner in Residence
William Snape, BA, University of California, Los Angeles; JD, The George Washington University. Director of Adjunct Faculty Development and Fellow in Environmental Law
David H. Spratt, BA, The College of William and Mary; JD, American University. Legal Writing Instructor in Residence
Shana Tabak, BA, Macalaster College; JD, Georgetown University; LLM, The George Washington University. Practitioner in Residence
Richard S. Ugelow, BA, Hobart College; JD, American University; LLM, Georgetown University. Practitioner in Residence
Stephen Wermiel, BA, Tufts University; JD, American University. Professor of the Practice of Law
William R. Yeomans, BA, Trinity College, Connecticut; JD, Boston University; LLM, Harvard University. Fellow in Law and Government